I have begun to believe my mind is full of tiny little topics that act like pimples.

No one can predict the order they start to fester in, or when they’ll get ripe and burst.

Sunday 20 April 2014






Corps Of Prejudiced Sadists

More and more, every day, control of the Law and Order governing the people of Canada is increasingly being usurped by the collective Canadian Police Forces. The average cop has become a personal threat to, and someone to be feared by every individual he confronts. No longer does he Serve and Protect the public: he now serves his masters and Protects his fellow Cops.

The Cop in your face wasn’t born that way: He was born smart; he was probably a good guy until he absorbed the mental and physical brainwashing of his training. He looks decent enough even now. What could have ground and molded him into this hostile enemy at the gate? Who was he and what turned the soul sour? That is a long story but we can we can place the fault directly on the training and regimen of:


The Cop Mold Process

Believe it or not, once upon a time all the Cops who are stamping on our civil and legal rights were the good guys of their generation when it came to the NICE Index! They are part of the top 2% of applicants who manage to pass the entrance exam and be accepted into the Force
In order to become a cop an applicant has to pass an entrance examination that is more or less the equivalent of an assessment by three Psychological Tests
1.    California Personality Inventory (CPI),
2.    The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire Scales (16P), and
3.    The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
When used to assess police candidates, analysts developed a
"Typical Cop" profile group with group members found to be:
1.    self-disciplined,
2.    socially bold,
3.    extroverted,
4.    emotionally tough, and
5.    Low in experienced anxiety.
They also ranked significantly higher on scales of:
6.    "Poise and self-assurance,
7.    achievement potential,
8.    intellectual efficiency,
9.    social insight, and
10.                       To be more likely to seek social contact than the control group.”
By any standards this pool of young recruits is an ideal base for any training program and is the cream of the crop. Instead of a positive blossoming to butter the sour cream churned turns rotten. There’s obviously something wrong with the churn: what’s wrong with it?

Constabulary, as I use it, is an organizational structure designed to enforce order in the ranks of a semi-military force. It was developed by the British Army around the time of the Crimean war in the Mid-1800’s and was returned to Britain and created the structure of the Metropolitan Police Force under Sir Robert Peel. Law enforcement officers work in a quasi-military, structured institution. There are mental health concerns associated with working within a "quasi-military structure" and other mental health concerns of working in an "institution."

Military organizations require the sacrifice of the individual for the good of society. The "individual" is not a consideration; the "goal" of the group is paramount. In a military organization, the focus is on punishing the individual if he is not up to standards. It is a de-humanizing process to recognize that you are only valued as a part of a machine.

The “institution' takes the same attitude, only a step further. In an institution, you are locked in a set process and the process is more important many times than, not only the individual, but also the goal. When an officer does a remarkable job of police work, perhaps even saves a life, he can still be reprimanded if he doesn't file the proper paperwork. The paperwork describing an action in many cases is more important to the institution than the action itself. Both the quasi-military nature of police work and the functioning within an institution combine for a mental health situation that is quite undesirable and very stressful. The training academy of the Police Force he is joining is the churn.

This is the recruit’s first introduction to a Constabulary: a Constabulary is a quasi-military, structured institution. Military organizations require the sacrifice of the individual for the good of society. The "individual" is not a consideration; the "goal" of the group is paramount.

In an institution conforming to procedures is paramount and the paperwork describing an action in many cases is more important to the institution than the action itself. No gray areas. The law enforcement officer works in a fact-based world with everything compared to written law. Right and wrong is determined by a standard. They have a set way of going about gathering the proper evidence for the law and can justify their actions because they represent the "good and right”

The first step in this character transformation process is to isolate the individual from all contact with outside society and force him to adjust to his brother police officers for all social contact. ) They are isolated. The wearing of a badge, uniform and gun makes a law officer separate from society. The wearing of a uniform will tend to make any person de-humanize people who are without a uniform. Just wearing a badge or a gun can cause people to act more aggressively.  You are encouraged to feel like you’re a member of an elite group: the top 2%.This is the beginning of inclusion as part of the Blue Brotherhood and police training especially is designed to strip the individual's previous identity and "make" a police officer.

People deal with them differently and treat them differently, even when they are not working. The police uniform, badge and gun are universal symbols of power and authority. When the individual puts on the uniform, he assumes the authority that goes with it. He expects and commands obedience and respect from the public. Donning the uniform and wielding the power of the job contribute to what is known as the "police personality" and the Us versus Them problems that develop from this intensive brainwashing.

After isolation in training, the recruit is further alienated from his prior social circle by being required to work rotating shifts and a posting away from home. Shift work is not normal. The "rotating shift" schedule is very taxing on an officer's life. Our bodies are adjusted on what is called "circadian schedules" which is a repetitive daily cycle. Our bodies like to have a regular eating time, sleeping time, waking time, etc. 

An officer doing shift work never gets a chance to stay on a schedule. This upsets his physical and mental balance in life. The changing work schedule also upsets the routine patterns that are needed in healthy marriage and family development. Strong marital and family development is based on rituals, like dinners together, "inside jokes," repeated activities, etc. The rotating shift worker has less chance to develop these rituals and his relationships suffer. This predisposes the officer's family to potential problems ranging from divorces, to children acting-out. 

The recruit’s new "at work" world is very negative. He sees the bad part of society and even the stress is different. Cops have a different kind of stress in their jobs, called "burst stress". At any time in the course of a shift there can be a call with an indication of violence. The officer gets an adrenalin rush with the perception of danger and there is the inevitable “fight or flight” reaction. There may be no danger but that knowledge follows the mental and physical arousal of the reaction. Cops have a job that requires extreme restraint under highly emotional circumstances and they require special training to adjust to a completely different world with a whole new set of survival tools.

Almost all cops age too quickly, see too much pain and suffering, lose trust in almost everyone (because EVERYONE lies to the police), and lose their social grounding. In addition to the work there is the pressure to do it right and conform to the institutional rules fof documentation in addition to learning Chapter and verse of a bewildering variety of laws to be enforced. This happens in the first several years of employment and is accompanied by a progressive disillusionment with society that has to be replaced with a new social circle with members who can be trusted. 

The Constabulary has this all under control with the assignment of the recruit to a more senior member as a partner on patrol. This is his mentor in survival: both on the job and off but most importantly how to conform to the completely new society he has been thrust into without his consent. He is now a member of the Blue Brotherhood and he now learns the rules and regulations that will determine his long term survival in a hostile environment like the Constabulary he joined.

Within the course of the first two years after his training and indoctrination is complete, the recruit has had enough experience with both Constabulary and the members of the Brotherhood to make a final judgement of his choice of a career as a Law Officer.
To remain is to abandon all his previous life and connection to Canadian Society and join his new found officer friends in a society that will protect him and provide guidance for a lifetime career. It is a leap into the “Us” and “Them” mentality and with the support of the Brotherhood there is no deterrent for any violation of the law that he might perform in the course of his duties: Job security above all else.

The Police Officer knocking on your door right now has made the decision to remain a Police Officer and join his new Society- the Blue Brotherhood. As a career decision that is probably a wise choice but by doing so he swears an oath to obey the rules of the Society in exchange for his comrades’ support if he makes a mistake in the course of his duties, or even in his off hours. Unfortunately the rules of the Brotherhood have expanded to cover not only the Arbitrary Discipline rendered by the Constabulary they work for, but have been perverted to avoid any responsibility for ignoring and violating the accepted laws of Canadian Society.

That is the subject of my next post in this series:

The Blue Brotherhood
How The Culprits Work

An examination of the Brotherhood and its rules:

Stay tuned
Blaine Barrett

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