My Ode
to Harper the Hun
Why is it,
why is it our nation don’t rate?
It’s Steevil
the Weevil our leader of late.
morally bankrupt, a fountain of lies
And lately
the leader of all of the spies;
And if you
should bug him he’ll throw him a fit
And have you
charged with some terrorist shit
A neat
Neo-Naz, a Zionist too
He gets on
his pulpit with shit on his shoe
If he feels
like fucking he’ll do it to you
Yes we have
a problem or two!
Canada once was a leader and trusted by
But then we
elected this asshole one fall
Peacekeeping changed into Spoiling for War
Our image
as “Saint” was turned into a “Whore”!
And the United
Nations just showed us the door!
Yes we have
a problem or two
He thinks
he’s a Messiah: a spokesman for God
But he’s
turned out to be a despicable sod,
He denies
all reality, reason and truth,
Statistics and all other proof,
He farts
out a vision of how we should think
That right
in our face makes a horrible stink
Yes we have
a problem or two.
racism’s rampant, his ego’s obscene,
He’s pure
living proof of a defective gene,
A nose
that’s too long but fits well on a liar,
He’s immune
to the pain when his pants go on fire,
He just
can’t stop lying, he doesn’t know shame
For all of
his flaws we’ve got parents to blame
For raising
a bastard who loves doing evil
And I can’t
stop calling Steevil the Weevil
Yes, we
have a problem or two
But on the
horizon there’s going to be fun
Justin the White
Knight versus Harpo the Hun
When Justin
defeats him with knife at his throat
He calls to
the crowd for their final vote
Now we who
have watched this all with frown
Can leap up
and scream and give our thumbs down
And save us
a problem or two or three
And save us
a problem or two!
Written by
me Blaine Barrett
With pride
and contempt
Monday, March 9, 2015
I wonder if
this will be called Domestic Terrorism. If it is:
for the
record I am always unarmed and I never resist arrest.